Well yesterday I was running in the dark on my street. As I was merging into my friend's front lawn, he has this little bump on the perimeter of his lawn, you can’t even really consider it a curb since it is barely seen and black. Anyways, I did not see it running onto the grass and landed on my ankle incorrectly after somewhat tripping over this bump.
I went to sleep with what was a mild ankle pain at the time. I could normally walk, but with some discomfort. Now as I just woke up, there is no swelling in the ankle, maybe some minor inflammation. BUT, I can barely walk, I mean it really hurts to put pressure on that foot.
This is my first injury of this type, should I seek professional care or just do the standard home treatment (Ice it, and rest)
I would get it checked out by a doctor, even if it is just a sprain it's better to get it looked at by a professional. If it's just a sprain take Advil to bring down the swelling in the joint (there's swelling even if you can't see it) and ice it for periods of 10 minutes on and then 10 minutes off.
DOCTOR'S RESPONSE: Any kind of tripping, twisting, or sprains normally doesn’t require a visit to the doctor. However, any time you are “barely able to walk” after an injury should ring alarm bells that something is possibly amiss. There could be a variety of injuries. I recommend that you make an appointment with your local podiatrist, a physician with specialized training for problems in the foot and ankle.
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